We’re passionate about helping you grow and make an impact.

Our experince

Whilst we have enjoyed working within Financial Services for many years, we became passionate about the idea of helping individuals with their energy in order to help them succeed, both professionally and personally. Over the last few years, we have seen a significant increase in the awareness of energy, both in and outside of the work environment and knew the opportunity had finally arrived to merge the two with a unified approach to both with a robust personal energy base. We now have the pleasure of working with individuals and entrepreneurs from all over the world.

With our unique experience of corporate life (15+ years) along with our spiritual journey (20+ years), we are uniquely placed to help you grow into the best version of yourself.

“When the body and mind are more at ease in a state of homeostasis, there is more opportunity and ability for healing.”

Energy Healing

Energy healing is an approach based on the belief that our bodies have energy flowing through them. The practice of energy healing has been around for centuries in cultures all over the world with advocates reporting numerous health benefits, including reduced pain, improved depression and anxiety symptoms, and an overall sense of well-being.

Energy healing has roots in ancient forms of medicine, such as Indian Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. In Auyaveda which originated in India more than 3,000 years ago, there is an an understanding based on the principle that disease is caused by an imbalance or stress in a person's consciousness. The vital energy concept in ayurveda is called “prana”. In Chinese medicine, there is a concept that a vital energy force, known as “qi,” surges throughout the body. When there is an imbalance of qi, disease and illness may result.

In both ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine, the goal is to support the body to achieve balance and realign your energy to find healing. This Energy Healing encompasses a variety of techniques believed to clear blockages in the energy field that contribute to imbalance in a person's life. This is based on the principle that our physical body and life experiences are informed by the energies that exist in our energy field, and that any imbalances or blocks in our energy field can contribute to emotional challenges, physical pain or illness, limiting life patterns, and other unwanted conditions in a person's life.